Today I had a flat tyre and I didn't realise about it until I reached my school gate. No wonder I feel something was just not right as I was driving to school this morning but then I was in a hurry so I thought...well...will check it out once I reached school.
Thanks to the two very helpful guys Kassim & Joharry for helping me to change my flat tyre. Around 9am , Kolinah accompany me to the petrol station to have my spare tyre pumped. We had breakfast at Mayang Sari (near the petrol station) and left the restaurant around 10am. We were inside my car when we heard a very loud sound...and it trigger the alarm of most of the vehicle parked there.There must be an accident, we thought. People start to gather at one spot while looking up at the top floor (5th or 6th) of the apartment nearby and those staying at the apartment were also looking down from their corridors. We wanted to go out to see what was there but then, just can’t park my car in the middle of the road . The scary part was....we walk passed that area (3-4 meters away from the spot) about 2 or 3 minutes before the incident.
Until now my curiosity on what was that thing fall from the top floor of the apartment is still unanswered..could it be a flower pot???
OMG, this is so scary. Thankfully u ladies passed the are earlier before the incident!
Sorry to hear about the flat tyre...i could have changed it for u...hahahhahaha.
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